Back To School Tips, Safety, Beauty

Back To School Tips: Kids Safety Help, Children Beauty

Back To School Safety Tips For Kids

First off back to school tips is to make sure your kids are safe.  We all want to protect our children.  When they are away at school, we have little control over their day.  Prepare now for some basic school safety.

If your children walk to school, walk with them and check out safety concerns.  Roads with busy traffic should have a crossing guard.  Teach your children how to cross the street safely.  They should stay on the sidewalk until the crossing guard gives them the signal to cross.

Use a password that you use if someone else needs to pick them up from school.  Teach your children to ask for the password before going with anyone else.  This way they know that it is okay to go with that person because you gave that person the password.

Safety also involves teaching your children about talking to strangers.  Let them know which houses along their school route are safe to go to if they need help.  Teach them about common practices that kidnappers use, such as asking for help finding a dog.

Help them to understand the importance of staying in groups when walking.  Talk to them so they are not frightened but understand how important these safety rules are.  The best bet is to have them not talk to people they don’t know.

If your child needs medication during school, check out the policy at the school your child is attending.  Each school differs in how they handle this.  If possible, give your child any medication before and/or after school to avoid having someone else administer it to them.

Many schools have started an emergency kit in their classrooms and may ask for donations.  If your child’s class doesn’t do this, you might suggest the idea.  School safety starts with us.

Back To School Tips For First Grade

What are we teaching or not teaching our children?  Why do first-grade girls get manicures?  Why do they get their hair streaked?  I hardly believe that as parents, we look at the carefree life of our children and feel sorry for them.

I doubt we think “Oh, I can’t wait until they get a job and then come home to clean their house every day.”  I think it is quite the opposite.  We longing wish for the days when our biggest stress was whether little Bobby thinks we are cute or not.

I wish that parents would pay more attention to the influence we have on our children.  Teach them to be kids and have fun and deal with their own little world.  Don’t bring them into ours.  They grow up too quickly as it is.  Please don’t push them down that road too soon.  And please don’t let your first-grade kids act snobby so they can be popular.  Just teach them to be nice and say hello to kids they don’t know.

Back To School Beauty Tips For Children

Something about being a parent makes us want to give our children more.  If we stopped to think about it, we’d probably wonder what we were thinking.  We can get really out of hand sometimes.

When you walk your child to the classroom on the first day of first grade, you will also notice other mothers and their daughters from your child’s kindergarten class.  You may recognize girls that the last time you had seen them had blond hair, but now their hair is dark brown, or vice versa.

As you watched them, they could have been on the cover of a kid magazine. You were baffled. All decked out in their new school clothes.  Their black heeled boots clicked on the concrete.  Their hair had been blow-dried and was curly and poofy.  Wow.  This was clearly a case of a parent going overboard with their children. They were in first grade, and their moms had dyed their daughter’s hair?

You may see this a lot with friends of your children.  They get weaves, their nails done, and more pampering than an adult.  When do they get to be kids?  And what happens when they hit high school?  What does this teach a child?

I really believe that children should be allowed to be children.  There is a time and place for everything, and their time will come.  Let’s just let our kids be little as long as possible and not make them grow up any faster than they already do.


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