Chlorella Superfood Information

Chlorella Information: Pros, Cons, Questions, Answers

Chlorella: Plant-Based Food (AKA Superfood)

Chlorella helps boost your energy by providing the nutrients your body requires to function optimally. It’s commonly taken in tablet or powder form, and many people report feeling more energetic after taking it.

Most people primarily recommend buying Chlorella in powder form because you can mix it with other foods. You can also buy Chlorella in tablet form every day for ease of use and simplicity. Both are great options and depend on your needs and lifestyle.

It’s often recommended to take Spirulina and Chlorella together to get the maximum benefit from these two superfoods. Because of their high levels of chlorophyll and different cell structures, they are amazing for detoxing and flushing out toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals from the body.


Top Organic Chlorella Spirulina Products

Super Greens Powder Smoothie with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella



Organic Chlorella Spirulina Tablets



Chlorella Benefits & Side Effects – Pros & Con


*The antioxidants and other nutrients in chlorella have shown anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-tumor properties.

*Chlorella supplements could help promote heart and kidney health, which is essential for normal blood pressure.

*It can detox the body from biotoxins such as tuberculosis, Lyme disease, tetanus toxins, and mold.

*The chlorophyll in chlorella helps keep the bowel clean.

*Chlorella can be used to treat high blood pressure.

*Chlorella contains nutrients to support energy production, as a natural food source comparable to leafy greens, it won’t give you a massive jolt of energy if taken at night.

*The tryptophan found in chlorella is a sleep-enhancing amino acid used by the brain to produce neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin that help you relax and go to sleep.

*Chlorella vs spirulina: Both forms of algae contain high amounts of nutrients. However, chlorella is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Though spirulina may be slightly higher in protein, some studies suggest that the protein content in chlorella is comparable

*Chlorella is the most effective plant for naturally and safely eliminating heavy metals and chemical molecules that our bodies have a hard time getting rid of.

*Chlorella could not only promote the growth and viability of probiotic bacteria but also inhibit intestinal pathogens.

*Chlorella (algae high in GABA) can help naturally lower blood pressure, which in turn helps to promote sleep and anxiety reduction.

*Chlorella is packed with amino acids, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, and K, meaning it is the best-kept skincare secret for anti-aging. It can repair and restore sun-damaged skin, promote collagen production, and as a result, improve skin tone for a younger-looking complexion.

*Chlorella may reduce symptoms of estrogen dominance. It does so by converting estradiol into estrone, assisting with estrone clearance thus leaving the friendly form of estrogen alone.

*Chlorella aids in hair growth and protection, but when ingested, can help treat your body. Chlorella has the awesome ability to bind with heavy metals, aiding in detoxing the body.

*Chlorella contains 14mcg of Vitamin D (almost your daily recommended amount). Vitamin D increases serotonin production, which can help boost your mood & help with sleep health too.

*Chlorella products contain substantial amounts of iron and potassium, of which adequate intake prevents anemia and hypertension respectively.

*The Chlorophyll in Chlorella activates Coenzyme Q10 to enhance cellular energy with the help of a little sunshine. This is the power of the greenest of green foods.

*Chlorella supplements could help promote heart and kidney health, which is essential for normal blood pressure.


*Some Chlorella supplements may contain iodine, so people with an allergy to iodine should avoid them.

*Chlorella has been shown to bind with a variety of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum and supports liver detoxification.

*Chlorella is known to interact with immunosuppressant drugs as well as blood thinners like Warfarin and other blood-thinning drugs.

*Chlorella contains high amounts of vitamin K, which can promote blood clotting and reduce the efficacy of blood thinners such as Warfarin and should be avoided.

*The most common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, gas, green stools, and stomach cramping. Chlorella can also make the skin extra sensitive to the sun.

*Sea vegetables especially chlorella supplements are very high in iodine. Too much iodine can aggravate and worsen hypothyroidism, raise thyroid antibodies, and aggravate autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in some people. People with an allergy to iodine should avoid them.

*Chlorella is usually well tolerated but can cause: skin sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity), nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, Gas (flatulence), and green stools. Allergic reactions, including asthma and hypersensitivity reactions (anaphylaxis).


Chlorella Q&A

What does chlorella do for your body?

The antioxidants and other nutrients in chlorella have shown anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-tumor properties. In clinical studies, chlorella increases white blood cell levels, which can stimulate your immune system and help fight infection.

Is it good to take chlorella every day?

Chlorella supplements could help promote heart and kidney health, which is essential for normal blood pressure. In one study, people with mildly high blood pressure took four grams of chlorella daily for 12 weeks. By the end, these people had lower blood pressure readings than participants who took the placebo.

What toxins does chlorella remove?

It can detox the body from biotoxins such as tuberculosis, Lyme disease, tetanus toxins, and mold. It also filters out xenobiotics such as phytates, dioxins, pesticides, and industrial waste. It can bind and eliminate heavy metals like mercury, lead, nickel, and aluminum.

Does chlorella clean the gut?

The chlorophyll in chlorella helps keep the bowel clean, while the tough cellulose membrane of chlorella (which is not digested) binds to cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals and carries them out of the body.

Who should avoid Chlorella?

Chlorella may make it harder for warfarin and other blood-thinning drugs to work. Some chlorella supplements may contain iodine, so people with an allergy to iodine should avoid them. Always tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking, including natural ones and those bought without a prescription.

When should you not take chlorella?

If you are taking blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin, chlorella should be avoided as it can interfere with blood clotting due to its vitamin K content.

How quickly does chlorella work?

Chlorella can be used to treat high blood pressure. After a daily treatment of several weeks (2 to 5 months), some patients have noticed a decrease in their blood pressure. Note that to achieve such results, it is not necessary to consume chlorella in any way.

Does chlorella detox the liver?

Chlorella has been shown to bind with a variety of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum and supports liver detoxification.

Does chlorella help you sleep?

The tryptophan found in chlorella is a sleep-enhancing amino acid used by the brain to produce neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin that help you relax and go to sleep.

How long should I take chlorella for detox?

Within a few months, regular consumption of 3 to 20 g of chlorella per day significantly reduces heavy metal levels in the blood and fat. Chlorella is the most effective plant for naturally and safely eliminating heavy metals and chemical molecules that our bodies have a hard time getting rid of.

Is chlorella prebiotic?

Studies showed that Chlorella possessed prebiotic effects. Chlorella could not only promote the growth and viability of probiotic bacteria but also inhibit intestinal pathogens.

What is better than chlorella?

Spirulina contains more copper than chlorella, containing nearly twice the Daily Value (DV) per ounce. It is also slightly higher in vitamin B1, AKA thiamin. Spirulina contains 16 grams per ounce, making it very high in protein for plant-based food.

Is Chlorella good for anxiety?

Chlorella (algae high in GABA) can help naturally lower blood pressure, which in turn helps to promote sleep and anxiety reduction.

Can chlorella cause blood clots?

Chlorella contains high amounts of vitamin K, which can promote blood clotting and reduce the efficacy of blood thinners like Jantoven (warfarin).

Does chlorella reverse aging?

Chlorella is packed with amino acids, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, and K, meaning it is the best-kept skincare secret for anti-aging. It can repair and restore sun-damaged skin, promote collagen production, and as a result, improve skin tone for a younger-looking complexion.

Does chlorella detox estrogen?

Chlorella may reduce symptoms of estrogen dominance. It does so by converting estradiol into estrone, assisting with estrone clearance thus leaving the friendly form of estrogen alone.

Does chlorella have side effects?

The most common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, gas, green stools, and stomach cramping. Chlorella can also make the skin extra sensitive to the sun. Wear sunblock outside, especially if you are light-skinned.

Is chlorella high in magnesium?

Chlorella is higher in vitamin A (287% DV per ounce) iron (202% DV per ounce) magnesium (22% DV per ounce)

Does chlorella affect the thyroid?

Sea vegetables are very high in iodine, especially chlorella. Too much iodine from food and supplement sources can aggravate and worsen hypothyroidism, raise thyroid antibodies, and aggravate autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in some people.

Avoid taking your thyroid hormone at the same time as iron, calcium, and Antacids that contain aluminum, magnesium, or calcium.

Should I take Chlorella on an empty stomach?

Take on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating and not with vitamin C, as vitamin C can loosen heavy metals bound to chlorella and thereby get reabsorbed into the system instead of being eliminated.

Can chlorella remove heavy metals from the body?

Chlorella is ideal for heavy metal removal and detox. Chlorella binds to substances like mercury, cadmium, and other metals and helps your body flush them out.

Should you take chlorella at night?

Ideally, take chlorella in the morning and other pills at night. If it is more convenient, chlorella can be taken in two or three doses throughout the day rather than all at once. Take chlorella before meals and with a large glass of water.

How do you know if heavy metal detox is working?

However, after the detox, you should have improved digestive function, higher energy levels, and enhanced mental performance. Overall, you should begin to feel better almost immediately.

Does chlorella help with stress?

Taking supplements such as probiotics, chlorella, and adaptogenic herbs like eleuthero will also ensure your mind and body get the support to handle occasional stress, so you can experience the most joy and pleasure life has to offer each day.

Does chlorella make your hair grow?

If you have dull or dry hair from a long day at the beach, then you may have to replenish your amino acids. Not only does chlorella aid in hair growth and protection, but when ingested, can help treat your body. Chlorella has the awesome ability to bind with heavy metals, aiding in detoxing the body.

Does chlorella increase serotonin?

Chlorella contains 14mcg of Vitamin D (almost your daily recommended amount!). Vitamin D increases serotonin production, which can help boost your mood & help with sleep health too.

Is it better to take chlorella tablets or powder?

Most people primarily recommend buying Chlorella in powder form because you can mix it with other foods. You can also buy Chlorella in tablet form every day for ease of use and simplicity. Both are great options and depend on your needs and lifestyle.

Is chlorella high in iron?

In particular, Chlorella products contain substantial amounts of iron (104 mg/100 g dry weight) and potassium (986 mg/100 g dry weight), of which adequate intake prevents anemia and hypertension, respectively.

Does chlorella help energy levels?

Chlorella helps boost your energy by providing the nutrients your body requires to function optimally. It’s commonly taken in tablet or powder form, and many people report feeling more energetic after taking it. That’s why Sun Chlorella has been a helpful NSF-certified supplement for athletes.

Is it OK to take spirulina and chlorella together?

It’s often recommended to take Spirulina and Chlorella together to get the maximum benefit from these two superfoods. Because of their high levels of chlorophyll and different cell structures, they are amazing for detoxing and flushing out toxins, pesticides, and heavy metals from the body.

Does chlorella detox mold?

These algae help your detoxification process because they bind to toxins and heavy metals in your digestive tract. The bound toxins pass through your digestive tract and do not end up in your bloodstream.

Does Chlorella have coq10?

The chlorophyll in Chlorella activates Coenzyme Q10 to enhance cellular energy with the help of a little sunshine. This is the power of the greenest of green foods.

Can chlorella cause constipation?

The main side effects associated with the Chlorella treatments in our trial included constipation and diarrhea. Four of the 13 patients (30.7%) with a previous history of constipation reported their symptoms as worse or somewhat worse during the first two weeks of treatment.

What disease does chlorella cause?

Chlorella is usually well tolerated but can cause nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, flatulence, and green stools. Allergic reactions, including asthma and anaphylaxis, have been reported in people taking Chlorella, and in those preparing Chlorella tablets.

Does chlorella block B12 absorption?

Absorption and bioavailability are important factors when taking supplements, especially chlorella. The reason why Sun Chlorella can raise B12 levels is likely due to the unique processing method it uses, which allows chlorella’s nutrients to become highly digestible and readily absorbed by the body.

What happens when you take chlorella every day?

Chlorella supplements could help promote heart and kidney health, which is essential for normal blood pressure. In one study, people with mildly high blood pressure took four grams of chlorella daily for 12 weeks. By the end, these people had lower blood pressure readings than participants who took the placebo.

Which is better chlorella or spirulina?

Chlorella contains more polyunsaturated fat as well as some minerals, but spirulina is a better protein source, and it also contains fewer calories. Spirulina and chlorella are excellent antioxidants that can also improve heart health and help maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Is chlorella or spirulina better for gut?

The Bottom Line. Though both chlorella and spirulina are nutrient-dense microalgae that share several health benefits, I recommend chlorella as being the healthier choice for gut health, detoxification, and dense nutritional support.

Does chlorella heal the gut?

Taking 10 grams of chlorella a day has been shown in clinical research to reduce cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Its powerful mix of vitamin D, beta-carotene, and chlorophyll can help counter inflammation that can lead to digestive woes.

Does chlorella clean arteries?

Research has found that chlorella can bind to these heavy metals, flushing them from your system before being absorbed by your body. Studies show that the nutrients in chlorella help lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides, both of which can cause build-up in your arteries and strain on the heart.

How many times a week should I take chlorella?

There are no dietary recommendations for taking chlorella, but some studies use 1.2g a day, and others 5-10g daily.

How long does it take to see results from taking chlorella?

Studies show that taking chlorella helps support weight loss. It’s a bonus that Chlorella is 50-60% protein, and it’s considered a complete vegan protein. The Journal of Medicinal Food did a study and after taking chlorella for 3 months, participants showed noticeable results.

Does chlorella balance hormones?

Chlorella benefits arrive by helping to regulate hormones, helping with metabolism, improving circulation, and promoting higher levels of energy. It also helps to reduce weight and body fat and removes stored toxins.

Does chlorella help with menopause?

Taken regularly, Chlorella algae with its nutritional qualities facilitates estrogen production and thus alleviates the more unpleasant symptoms of menopause, such as mood swings and hot flashes.

Does chlorella help fatty liver?

A recent randomized clinical trial (the best kind of research study) found that these green algae rich in chlorophyll have remarkable detoxifying benefits in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Is chlorella high in B12?

Chlorella vulgaris contains 10-50 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 g of dry weight [10]. Vitamin B12 in Chlorella is bioavailable and such dietary supplementation is a natural way for vegetarians and vegans to get the vitamin B12 they need.

Does chlorella affect estrogen?

A study shows that chlorella actively biotransforms estradiol into estrone, and helps clear estrone as well – leaving estriol, your friendly antioxidant form of estrogen, alone.

What to expect when you start taking chlorella?

When taken by mouth: Chlorella is likely safe when used for 2-3 months. The most common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, gas, green stools, and stomach cramping. Chlorella can also make the skin extra sensitive to the sun.

Does chlorella remove mercury from the brain?

Mercury exposure, even in minute concentrations over time, can be detrimental to your health. Chlorella algae have the unique ability to bind with these toxic heavy metals and flush them out of your body. Animal studies have shown its effectiveness in removing toxins from the brain, kidneys, and liver.

Does Chlorella make you look younger?

Chlorella is packed with amino acids, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, and K, meaning it is the best-kept skincare secret for anti-aging. It can repair and restore sun-damaged skin, promote collagen production, and as a result, improve skin tone for a younger-looking complexion.

How long does it take to detox heavy metals from the body?

Depending on the amount of contamination and the condition of your body, it can take months, sometimes up to a year and a half, to finally get rid of all the toxins and heavy metals. Heavy metals and waste products are excreted by organs such as the liver, spleen, lymph, kidney, and intestine.

Does chlorella detox heavy metals?

Chlorella protothecoides algae promote heavy metal detoxification in chlordecone poisoned-treated rats by reducing the half-life of the toxin from 40 to 19 days.

What pulls heavy metals out of the body?

A substance that binds to heavy metals is known as a chelator, and the process that transports them out of the body is called chelation. People may also refer to a heavy metal detox as chelation therapy. Doctors use specific chelator medications to treat heavy metal poisoning.

Does chlorella have magnesium?

Chlorella is a good source of calcium. Calcium is important for keeping your bones strong and helping regulate blood pressure. Chlorella also contains other nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D, that can help support calcium absorption.

Does magnesium help detox heavy metals?

Magnesium can remove a variety of toxins and heavy metals from your body including aluminum, mercury, and lead. While it’s likely that these chemicals will only be present in your body in minute traces, even the tiniest amounts of these can be harmful. As such, flushing them out of your cells is important.

Does chlorella thicken hair?

Chlorella contains nucleic acids, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, and iron which all play a part in the health of your hair. Whether you are looking for more shine, thicker strength, or long locks, the health of your hair on a cellular level is the foundation for your hair goals.

Why not take Chlorella?

Chlorella is usually well tolerated but can cause nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, flatulence, and green stools. Allergic reactions, including asthma and anaphylaxis, have been reported in people taking Chlorella, and in those preparing Chlorella tablets.

Is Chlorella good for depression?

In a randomized controlled trial, the researchers found that subjects receiving standard therapy plus 1,800 mg a day of Chlorella, about three-quarters of a teaspoon, had significant improvements in physical and cognitive depression symptoms and anxiety, but we cannot discount the placebo effect.

What to avoid when taking chlorella?

Chlorella may make it harder for warfarin and other blood-thinning drugs to work. Some chlorella supplements may contain iodine, so people with an allergy to iodine should avoid them. Always tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking, including natural ones and those bought without a prescription.

Is chlorella high in vitamin D?

Chlorella products contain substantial amounts of vitamins D2 and B12, both of which are well known to be absent in plants. Commercially available Chlorella (C. vulgaris) products contain higher amounts of folate (approximately 2.5 mg/100 g dry weight) than spinach.

Does chlorella help blood circulation?

Chlorella is reported to decrease blood pressure in hypertensive individuals and enhance peripheral blood circulation in elder individuals, but the mechanism underlying remains unclear.

What does chlorella remove from the body?

It can detox the body from biotoxins such as tuberculosis, Lyme disease, tetanus toxins, and mold. It also filters out xenobiotics such as phytates, dioxins, pesticides, and industrial waste. It can bind and eliminate heavy metals like mercury, lead, nickel, and aluminum.

Is chlorella better than spirulina for detox?

Chlorella is a green alga, which means that it typically boasts around ten times more chlorophyll than spirulina and makes it more suitable for detox purposes.

How much chlorella should I take daily?

Consumer experiences have shown that a daily dose of 2-5 grams of chlorella (or 10-15 300 mg chlorella tablets) has significant positive effects on quality of life. Doctors and nutritionists also suggest taking 3-5 grams or 10-15 tablets every day to prevent health complications and illnesses.

What toxins does chlorella bind?

Zeolite: Zeolite is a natural compound made of volcanic rock and ash that is an effective binder for heavy metals and toxins. Chlorella: Chlorella is a type of algae that binds to mercury and lead. It is also rich in B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

How do you know if you have mold toxins in your body?

Wheezing/shortness of breath, Rash, Watery eyes, Runny nose, Itchy eyes Coughing, Redness of the eyes, Long-standing or frequent sinusitis.

Does chlorella reduce inflammation?

Chlorella contains violaxanthin (an antioxidant found in leafy greens) that studies show can reduce inflammation. Additional research points to other antioxidants in chlorella, like lycopene, that contribute to this effect.

The vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3s that chlorella contains are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Does chlorella bind estrogen?

Chlorella may reduce symptoms of estrogen dominance. It does so by converting estradiol into estrone, assisting with estrone clearance thus leaving the friendly form of estrogen alone.

Is chlorella good for the colon?

Your gut microbiome also benefits from chlorella, as it stimulates the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus, an important bacteria essential for maintaining a healthy intestinal tract. Chlorella helps nourish this in the gut.

Does chlorella speed up metabolism?

Chlorella benefits arrive by helping to regulate hormones, helping with metabolism, improving circulation, and promoting higher levels of energy. It also helps to reduce weight and body fat and removes stored toxins.

Does chlorella help hair growth?

Not only does chlorella aid in hair growth and protection, but when ingested, can help treat your body. Chlorella has the awesome ability to bind with heavy metals, aiding in detoxing the body.

Does chlorella contain B12?

Chlorella vulgaris contains 10-50 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 g of dry weight. Vitamin B12 in Chlorella is bioavailable and such dietary supplementation is a natural way for vegetarians and vegans to get the vitamin B12 they need.

Is chlorella a probiotic?

Its fiber is beneficial in promoting regularity and healthy probiotic growth. Chlorella is so good at encouraging probiotic growth that it’s been studied as an alternative to antibiotics for gut health.

What are spirulina and chlorella good for?

Chlorella and spirulina are forms of algae that are highly nutritious and safe to eat for most people. They’re associated with many health benefits, including lowered risk factors for heart disease and improved blood sugar management.


Chlorella vs Spirulina

Why chlorella is better than spirulina?

Both forms of algae contain high amounts of nutrients. However, chlorella is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Though spirulina may be slightly higher in protein, some studies suggest that the protein content in chlorella is comparable.

What are spirulina and chlorella good for?

Chlorella and spirulina are forms of algae that are highly nutritious and safe to eat for most people. They’re associated with many health benefits, including lowered risk factors for heart disease and improved blood sugar management.

Which is better for detox spirulina or chlorella?

Chlorella is a green alga, which means that it typically boasts around ten times more chlorophyll than spirulina and makes it more suitable for detox purposes.

Is chlorella the same as spirulina?

So you may be surprised to learn that the two main types of blue-green algae we consume, chlorella and spirulina, which look and taste interchangeable, are, in fact, entirely different foods. They’re both full of antioxidants, are incredibly nutrient-dense, and are sold in every form, from green drink mixes to gummies.

What are the side effects of chlorella spirulina?

The most common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, gas, green stools, and stomach cramping. Chlorella can also make the skin extra sensitive to the sun. Wear sunblock outside, especially if you are light-skinned.

What toxins does spirulina remove?

Spirulina is a very powerful detoxifying agent. It chelates all types of toxins such as mercury, arsenic, radioactive materials, cadmium, pesticides, and environmental carcinogens, eliminating them from the body.

Who should not take chlorella and spirulina?

Both chlorella and spirulina are popular, nutrient-dense algae supplements that may help lower LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels. They can be added to your smoothies, salads, and soups. People with autoimmune disorders and who are on blood thinners should avoid consuming them.

Do chlorella and spirulina detox the body?

Algae like spirulina and chlorella are very good for detox. They efficiently detoxify the body and eliminate harmful toxins. Spirulina is also a very nutrient-dense food rich in vital minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, so it’s always a good idea to add it to your diet.

Which is better for detox spirulina or chlorella?

Chlorella is a green alga, which means that it typically boasts around ten times more chlorophyll than spirulina making it more suitable for detox purposes.

Who should avoid spirulina?

People with a metabolic condition called phenylketonuria (PKU) should avoid taking spirulina. People with this rare condition cannot metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. Spirulina is rich in all amino acids, including phenylalanine.


Best Organic Chlorella Spirulina Products

Amazing Grass Greens Blend Superfood: Super Greens Powder Smoothie Mix for Boost Energy, with Organic Spirulina, Chlorella, Beet Root Powder, Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics, Original, 30 Servings.

Check it out

Organic Chlorella Spirulina Tablets, 3000mg Per Serving, 720 Counts, 4 Months Supply, 50/50 Blend Superfood, No Filler, No Additives, Cracked Cell Wall, Rich in Vegan Protein & Chlorophyll.

Check it out